15 August 2007

The queer blog

Ryan is a blogger from Melbourne, Australia and his blog is titled simply "R*yan". It is a personal blog and he has a nice writing style. Mind you it's a PR 5 blog with over 100 subscribers.

I like the way he has personalized his blog. It's amazing what a nice background can do to the over look of your blog. Certainly makes it slightly different from all the other Blogspot blogs with generic templates.

I also like the fact that he has pictures to go with almost all his posts. Something I have been trying to do as well. There are a lot of nice pictures and a lot of them are pictures of men. What do you expect? After all this is a blog with a queer bent.

Unfortunately Ryan has taken an "indefinite break" from blogging. You can still and read his old posts though.


  1. hi adam,

    much thanks for your review. and you're right. the right photos and background can make a big difference not only to the look but also to the feel of the blog.

    it's taken me ages to find the right one... and even then, i'll probably change it again anyway. i'm fickle to the point of disgust! :P

    not sure how long i'll be away from blogging, but with the amount of time i'm spending reading and commenting on others, i'm sure it wouldn't be long until i'm pushing that orange publish button again.

    again, thanks for the review. i've reciprocated with a link.


  2. You are welcome.

    I happened to me once but I couldn't keep away for long.

    Thanks for the link.
