08 August 2007

Places in the UK reviewed by you and me

Was thinking of taking the wife and kids to London for a day or two while the weather is still nice and the sun still shining. We won't be able to get a better opportunity once my daughter starts her nursery in September. Not being very familiar with London, did some research on the net and did find some websites. However, most of them were just lists with some details. What I would have loved were real reviews by real customers.

Today, I finally found what I have been looking for on a great community web site called Trustedplaces. What makes this site unique is that customers share their opinions - good as well as bad, of places they frequent or have visited. You can add your own reviews as well. Whether you are looking for a London bar or a laundry or anything else, you will most likely find at least one review on the site.

Though highest number of reviews were of places in London, the site has reviews of places in other parts of the UK as well.