02 August 2007

Meme for charity

Finally completed this long overdue meme. I was tagged by Haq Ahamd better known as Dad of Four.

This meme is quite long and is for a noble cause. It was started by Idham who has pledged to contribute RM127 to the Rumah Anak Yatim Darul 'Izzah orphanage in Malaysia for each meme completed by any blogger before 26th August 2007. His target is RM10,000.

All you have to do is to complete at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences. It took me a while but I finally completed all of it.

However, just remember to leave a comment on Idham's blog to let him know that you have done the meme.

So here goes:

1. A person is only as good as ... his actions.

2. Friendship is always ... something that should not be taken for granted.

3. To love is to... share happy and sad moments, willingly.

4. Money makes me... work.

5. I miss ... going to work

6. My way of saying I care is by ... kissing and hugging.

7. I try to spread love and happiness by... helping others in need.

8. Pick the flowers when... I really have too, other wise I perfer them on the plant.

9. To love someone is to... give in completely.

10. Beauty is... but skin deep.

11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was... a family trip to Udaipur in Rajasthan India.

12. When I was twenty one, I remember... thinking whether to further my study or start working.

13. I am most happy when ... I am with my family.

14. Nothing makes me happier than ... waking up everyday next to a wonderful lady who's my wife.

15. If I can change one thing, I will change... nothing.

16. If smiles were...forced ...then I... won't be happyseeing the face of my kids smiling everyday.

17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could... travel and live anywhere we wanted without any restrictions.

18. If you want to ... earn a lot of money ...then you have to ... work much harder

19. Money is not everything but...we can't live without it.

20. The most touching moment I have experienced is... when I first held my daughter after she came out of my wife's womb.

21. I smile when...I feel happy

22. When I am happy, I...smile

23. If only I don't have to ... exercise in order to be fit but that's impossible.

24. The best thing I did yesterday was... something I do almost everyday - take care of the kids.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title... ah ok lah

26. One thing I must do before I die is... remember God!

27. Doing this meme, I feel like ... I have learnt a little bit about myself.

I now tag:
1. Azwan
2. Lilian
3. Doris

and anyone else who wants to do this meme.


  1. Hi Adam.. thanks for the tag. Sorry for not dropping by for a long time - I have been terribly bz bz bz. Give me some time hor cos I owe many people tags :) Thanks for your kind comments on my template... I wish I have the knowledge to do more but no, I don't :( Hope you are keeping well. Talk soon!

  2. Well done....! You miss working? Can trade places ar? LOL
