04 August 2007

The kids loving the pool

It has been a great week - bright and sunny. We had bought an inflatable pool from a car boot sale sometime back and never had the chance to use it. Finally got the chance.

It turned out to be much bigger that I thought it would be. It didn't take that long to inflate the pool using the electric pump. However, it did take much longer to fill it up - almost an hour.

My son is turning into an aquatic animal and refuses to come out of the pool. I have to literally force him out it screaming and kicking. I guess it's a wonderful experience for him.


  1. Hi guys, I am very sorry for this intrusion. But it is getting desperate.

    one of my batchmate back in school has gone missing. He is suffering from a mental ailment and his family is desperately trying to find him. time is the essence here.

    hope you can do an entry about this in your blog/fotopage/website.

    this is the blog I created about finding Salhi: http://findsalhi.blogspot.com/

    Please forward it around also. Thank you very very much

  2. hi adam thanks for the wonderful comment and the add. I have added your link too at my blog.

    NAFA is from Singapore, therefore should be NAFA(SG) not (MY) =)

    Thanks again adam. See ya around.

    Have a nice day and keep up the great work here.

    Looking forward to more of your professional review.


  3. Quinnylover: Sorry to hear about that. Hope they find him.

    Nafasg: Oops sorry. Corrected it.

  4. Thanks Adam.

    Have a nice day =)

