31 August 2007

I love Coke Zero

Coca Cola had always been my favourite soft drink. I later changed to Diet Coke because I wanted to reduce my sugar intake. Somehow, it wasn't the same and I never did like the taste of the latter. I was really glad when they brought out the Coke zero. It tastes just like the original Coke and I can drink without guilt knowing that it doesn't contain any sugar. As their tag line goes:
Coke zero : Life as it should be : Real taste, zero sugar

Take a look at their new campaign “Life as it should be”. It really great and interactive fun. They have come up with a few old black and white movie clips. You can choose one of them and manipulate the movie. You can make one of the actors say what ever you want them to say - just add your own words. You can then send the movie to your friends. It will then go on to compete with other movies to be the highest rated.


  1. Did you try it out? I did and it was quite fun.. though the recording was a little boring ;)

  2. Doris: Yeah! i did try out a few different clips. Had fun making the actors say stupid lines.

  3. welcome to the CokeZero fan club :-) I've been lovin' it since it came out about 2 years ago (see last paragraph or so here), always glad to know someone else has discovered it too :-)

  4. Hi Lynne. It's been quite sometime since you last visited. Love the taste.

  5. So do I! Not many do though, it seems...
