28 August 2007

A Global Nomad in Thailand

Next on my "to review" blog list is Lillian's "My Thailand Diary". Lillian is another Third Culture Adult, or Global Nomad. Her background is quite interesting: she's Swiss but was born and grew up in Papua New Guinea. Now she resides in Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand along with her husband and three children. Her blog records her interesting adventures as well as normal everyday life as an expat living in Thailand.

I have seen her go through a number of blog template changes before she finally settled on the one she has now. I prefer this to the colourful template she had before this - maybe because I have a weakness for simple and neat looking site template. What I would love to see is a list of her most popular posts. I am sure that there's a WP plugin for that.

Apart from one Google adsense unit at the top, you won't find other ads on the entire blog and I find it quite refreshing. I know it sounds strange coming from someone who has ads plastered all around his blog. I guess she not really into making money from her blog.

Go over and say "hi!" to Lillian.


  1. THANX SO MUCH :-) I'll look for that widget!

  2. you are welcome.
