02 July 2007

With geek friends and java forums

A lot of guys are really surprised when I reveal the fact that I don't have an IT background and most will exclaim "But how come you know a lot of the technical stuff?"

I guess it's all about interest and this interest was what lead me to specialize in web related technology and e-commerce. However, I have to admit, I am less inclined toward the programming details and more onto the managerial side of this field. The only IT related training I had was when I did a short certificate course in Informatics in Malaysia. We even had to do Java programming and to be honest I was quite lost. Was really thankful I had some friends who were experts in Java programming.

Talking about Java - I was having coffee with some of my IT friends and they were discussing Hibernate - an open source solution for the Java language. From what I could gather, it is used in developing databases. Suddenly they asked me my opinion. I didn't want to bluff and honestly told them I have no idea what they were all talking about. Like usual, some of them were quite shocked to learn that I do not have an IT background.

Anyway, if you are into Java programming, join the Java forums. Registration is quite fast and it's totally free. Besides discussion on various Java topics, the forum also carries info regarding books as well as job listings. I am not sure but they claim to be the largest Java community.

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