09 July 2007

Shawn Knight pwn3d

If you are into putting your computer together and other computer hardware stuff, you will like Shawn's blog - Shawn-knight.net He also runs Ocia.net - a hardware review site.

The former blog, which was started in January this year, is more personal. There are a lot of things I like about the site. First of all, the constructive comments. Noticed something strange for "an up-and-coming, hopeful dot com mogul" (his own words) - ads are totally absent from the blog. Not even Google ads. Wonder how he plans to make money. I also felt that there's too much grey on the site. other than that the site is awesome.

First of all he has a great banner. I have considered copying it for one of my blogs. Of all the categories, even though I enjoy the tech related posts - especially the computer upgrades, I like the "daily ownage" posts the most. Some great stuff - will leave you grinning.

Go and check out his site.


  1. Hey Adam. Did you review mine yet? Did I miss it?

  2. Hi Jayme, I have to apologise. I was going through the blog reviews one by one based on the comments left on the review offer post. This was supposed to be on a first come first serve basis but I somehow skipped your blog. Hangs head in shame. You are now next in line.
