07 July 2007

Mrs. Rugged reviewed

Just went through Mandi's (aka Mrs. Rugged) personal blog - 'The Official Mrs. Rugged'.

Nice template and I like the fact that her blog is not cluttered with ads. However, the font might be a bit too small for some people with bad eyesight Of course all I had to do was hit Ctrl+ to enlarge the font on my browser.

I am not sure why, but she has 3 different blog rolls on the side bar. Might be better to consolidate them into one. Couldn't find a link to my blog though. hint! hint! It might also be a good idea to provide a link to the home page from individual posts.

Mandi is also part of the "I follow movement", so go on over to her blog and leave your comments.


  1. Thank you for the review! There was a weird thing with the blogrolls when I changed my theme, so thank you for making me aware of it. I re-adjusted the sidebar a little bit, but you're right, there are a lot of things going on with those blogrolls... Anyway, thank you for the review!
