23 June 2007

Reputed international logistics company

Due to the advances of transportation, the World has indeed become a much smaller place. More and more people are leaving their home countries to seek their fortune or destiny in other countries. An overseas posting is also seen as a prerequisite for moving up the corporate ladder now in MNCs. However, packing up and moving home can be an harrowing experience. I had to face that when we moved to the UK from Malaysia last year.

Anyway, when shipping your stuff (you can't take everything in your air luggage) you need to be extremely careful in choosing a reputable international shipping company. Schumacher Cargo Logistics is apparently one of the best. They have been specializing in international cargo shipping since 1977. They ship almost anything including automobiles, household goods, and cargo to overseas destinations.

Talking about automobile shipping, it was interesting to note that Schumacher Cargo Logistics, moves over 10,000 vehicles annually. This includes cars, motorcycles, RV's, and even boats.

In the US, the company operates warehouses in Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Miami and New York. In Europe, Schumacher Cargo Logistics own and operate their own companies in the UK, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway, while all other worldwide destinations are covered by affiliated organization member companies.

Their website stresses that besides transportation, they take the utmost care to secure vehicles during transit by utilizing insured, secured and bonded facilities. One indication of their high standard of quality is their safety records for cargo shipment delivery that has exceeded all industry standards. Thus, we can rest assured that our stuff will reach the destination safe and sound.

And that's not all, their shipping rates are extremely competitive. Contact them for a free quote today.


  1. Thank you for posting such a useful, impressive and a wicked article. However the name ah ok lah is very confusing..Anyway, I think this thread needs to be discuessed further and you guys also need to fastern your seat belt in order to update the posts as soon as possible.

    All the best Ah Ok Lah :)



  2. Hi Tina, "ah ok lah" is a common expression in Malaysia and Singapore. Hopefully it will become internationally familiar in the future, like "Yahoo!" or "Google".

  3. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY I dropped my car of on Feb 8, 2008, I paid in full and submitted all required paperwork. I was assured it would ship before the end of Feb 2008. It only shipped on April 28. Now that it has arrived in South Africa it is being held by customs because it was put in a container with another vehicle that has no paperwork and customs will only clear the entire container, so who knows when that will happen. It has been more than 5 months and I still do not have my car

    Every time I called Wendy Gomez had a different story, once even went as far as to tell me it had shipped until I asked for the documents proving that....very unprofessional

  4. very nice :)
    Beautiful expression.
    Beautiful stuff! That’s not just tagging, that’s art.
