05 June 2007

Making money by carrying news

Learned that the highly awaited Apple's new iPhone will be launched on June 29.

I just got this news from an online news site, that provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed quality news from major content providers such as Associated Press (AP), Reuters and lots more.

You might be amazed to learn that the news can be published, or 'mashed' by embedding them on your site totally FREE OF CHARGE. Best of all, you earn money at the same time. YES! That's right. You can make money via advertising share, the CPM start at $1. For those who were not aware, CPM is the measure of the Cost Per Impression in online advertising. TheNewsRoom has an innovative, viral payment model. I learned that their CRM is one of the highest in the industry.

Choosing the news of your choice (and relevant to your blog) and embedding it on my blog was so easy. Take a look at the "mash" below:

All I had to do after signing up, was to click the "mash button", accept the terms and conditions, choose the layout and finally copy and paste the code into my blog. It's amazing. I get great quality content and I get paid for carrying it on my blog. Almost forgot to mention that, I also earn money when someone mashes content from my site and it is viewed on their site/ blog.

And there's more. They also have a loyalty program in place whereby, new registrants can earn prizes such as digital cameras and even a new car. So what are you waiting for?

NOTE: The website is no longer active and I have removed the links. 

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