19 June 2007

Help with B2B marketing

If you are a business owner I am sure that you are interested in generating more sales. An area of concern relates to converting interest into sales.

Came across the "Ways to Boost Direct Marketing Results" on 'The Lead Dogs' site. They say:
  1. Have an offer
  2. Use telemarketing before the promotion
  3. Use telemarketing after the promotion
  4. Give a unique URL
  5. Personalize all aspects of your direct marketing campaign

The Lead Dogs is a lead development company that works with business-to-business marketers and help aggressively find and pursue business leads. Established in 1994, they actively help companies to generate, manage, nurture and close the loop on sales leads using Business to Business Telemarketing and other tools.

You can download case studies about how they helped their clients to generated real results, from their website.

BTW, I really found their story of how they came up with their company name, hilarious.

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