24 June 2007

Get reviewed for free

Like a lot of other bloggers, I do get paid to do reviews of websites, blogs or products. However, from today till end of July, I will review your blog (minimum of 50 words)totally FREE of charge.

I will not dish your site but try to give constructive criticisms if there is something I don't like about your site.

It's totally optional but I would really appreciate it if you could put up a link to either this blog (http://ok-lah.blogspot.com) or the SEO Expert blog (http://www.adamok.net).

So are you ready for a totally honest review?

Just leave me a comment with the url of your blog.

updated: 7 - 7 - 07


Anonymous said...


Janna said...

Are you offering to critique any genre? For example, my blogs are not exactly what you'd call serious. They're not full of life-lessons and business advice and newsworthy things. It's just fun stuff, absurdity for its own sake. Is this a genre you would consider reviewing?

These are the two blogs I'd like you to critique:
Jantics and The Jannaverse

I've just finished putting up posts that link to you (twice), on both blogs.

Anonymous said...

I'm in for a review...



Jayme said...

I'd like a review! http://justjayme.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

I'd love a review.. mainly for www.tiptail.com as it's my main blog. If you have extra time/room I have lunatail.com and pixietail.com, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Review away. I'm a bit frightened, but need the constructive (please God) criticism.


Anonymous said...

Will you review my blog? http://whatismatt.com/

I know you already have a link up but I could do some with constructive criticism about how to make my blog better.

Dilip Mutum said...

That was a great response. I have more people emailing me. Thanks for your links and I will start reviewing straight away.

Kay the Encourager said...

I would love to have you critique my blog as you sound like you know what you are talking about!
I'm not sure how to link you to my blog but if you tell me I will do it(or have my designer do it). My web site is How to encourage

Thank you very much,
Kay G

Kay the Encourager said...

Oh I just gave you my website instead of my blog. Sorry, my blog is http://howtoencourage.blogspot.com/

Dilip Mutum said...

Hi Kay,
Thanks for dropping by my blog.

You can either write a short post linking to my blog (I would love
that) or just add me to your blogroll.

To add my blog just go to the blog layout - Edit Layout. Click 'Add a
Page Element' on sidebar. Choose "Link List" and click "Add to blog".
Just add my blog url and name and then "Save changes"

Hope this info helps.

Anonymous said...

I'm up for a review! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Can't go wrong with a free review! sign me up!



Michael said...

I'm game.


Anonymous said...

I'd like a review of Table for Five, and I'll return the favor. It's PR4 and a parenting/review blog.

anylee said...

I need your helps for my site
because I have 0 PR
Surely I will add your blog to my link list

Anonymous said...

Thanks in advance for a review.


i've added this blog to the blogroll.

Anonymous said...

Ok, link has been added to the blogroll :)

BeccA's Buzz said...

Hey there, I'd love some constructive criticism. I'm still new but have really been enjoying this learning experience. Come check me out, and I'll go right now and add both of your sites to my blogroll. Thanks alot!http://beccagirlblogspot.blogspot.com/

Dilip Mutum said...

Thanks for the link guys. Getting the reviews up one by one. Wanted the posts to be good. I didn't realize that it would be this tough.

RRP said...

hey adam,

not sure if you've already received one, but here's a blog from downunder for submission:


thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam, can I add another to your list of chores? http://www.mylittletribe.com

Dilip Mutum said...

Ryan: No I think you are the first one.

Carla: No problem. Adding you to my list.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a review, too!



Anonymous said...

I could use advice on fresh ideas for posts. A little linky love never hurts either. :)

Tenacious B said...

Ready for the knife...


Unknown said...

I'd love to have you review my blog!


Anonymous said...

I'd love a review..


christelpistol said...

a review would be awesome! thanks!


Preya said...

ok lah, why not? But only if you say nice things! Just kidding...please give me some brutally honest advice:)



Ian Townsend said...

I would love to be reviewed. As a future professional writer, I love hearing feedback about my stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hi Adam, yup, would love to read your review on mine too: skorcareer.com.my/blog

Anonymous said...

Have a look at http://enjoydeals.blogspot.com

Will wait for your feedback.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a review


Anonymous said...

This is such a nice offer on your part! Thanks a ton - here is my blog -
Infinitely CRAZY

Do tell me when you're done - I'll link to you ASAP!!

Nothing said...

Hi! This is good stuff! Would you do a review of my blog - The JOKES Blog?

My blog is PR5 - i'll link to you if u want!

Thanks ;-)

Hanafi Mohd Noor said...

I like to be reviewed too, my blog is
The blog targets aspiring or small entrepreneurs.


Anonymous said...

I'm game for a free review as well.

Happy birthday to me!


wildcat1001 said...

I would appreciate a review of my blog at http://gamingpicsandclips.blogspot.com

Dilip Mutum said...

I won''t be doing any more free reviews anymore, sorry.


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