18 May 2007

Introducing Azwanhadzree.com

I am sure you have heard of Superman or Spiderman but have you heard of "MerapuMan". Well go on over to the Wierd World of MerapuMan. He has loads of humorous and interesting posts.

Got to know Azwan through the net and even though we haven't met in person, have exchanged a couple of e-mails. Was quite impressed when his relatively new blog azwanhadzree.com jumped from nothing to a Google Page Rank of 3 in almost 3 months.

His latest post explains Alexa Traffic Rankings and ways to improve it. Another post on the latest Spiderman movie (still haven't seen it) and his comic collection also gave me an idea for a post of my own. Always was a bit shy to reveal that I am a father of two kids but still collect and read comics. Yeah! Now I am coming out of the closet....


do you?


  1. You are welcome. added you to my blogroll too.

  2. hi Adam, can't join you with that particular closet, tho don't you mean "graphic novels"? i think that's the preferred term :-)
