02 May 2007

In-laws in town

My in-laws are here in Coventry along with my brother-in-law and my wife's grandmother (mother's side).

Have made a list of places to see in and around Coventry. The only problem is that we won't be able to fit all of us in my car. Looks like we need to hire an MPV so that we can all travel together.

Rahil was delighted to be with her grand parents and her beloved Pak Su (Uncle). Both she and Imaan received loads of presents.


  1. wahh! they're in town? how wonderful! i bet the kids got plenty of hugs and kisses too alongside with their presents!! how are they? please send all our love to them. have fun all of you and do write more on their visit and where you took them..


  2. Yes. They are really overjoyed. We have prepared an itinerary of stuff to do in the following days
