23 May 2007

Help yourself through subliminal suggestions

During my MBA in University Malaya, I took the Consumer behaviour course and once we were discussing about subliminal advertising. The lecturer was telling us about an researcher who claimed that he had been able to influence people to purchase more Coca Cola and popcorn by quickly flashing messages on a movie screen.

Of course as a consumer myself, I am not really favourable with the idea that companies are messing around with my head in order to get me to buy more of their products and services.

Anyway, I learnt that subliminal messages may actually be used for beneficial purposes. Got to about this website called Subliminal-cds.com (http://www.subliminal-cds.com/) that sells subliminal CDs. With over 120 different titles, the retailer claims to help you with everything from loosing weight to getting over phobias.

The subliminal CDs utilizes the 5-Part Encoding System™ developed by self-development guru, Bradley Thompson.

To be honest, I haven't tried it out myself but the website has a impressive list of corporate customers including AT&T, IBM, FedEx, the BBC, British Telecom, Microsoft and even the US Army among others.

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