11 May 2007

The bugs are coming

I am looking forward to a new horror movie from Lionsgate Films, the same people who brought you "The Exorcist". Starring Ashley Judd, Harry Connick Jr and Michael Shannon, the film is directed by William Friedkin. It will be released on 25th of May this year.

Check out the two promotional posters for the bug movie. I really like the way two images are superimposed on each other. Gives a sense of mystery.

The tag line says: " First they send in their drone.....Then they find their queen"

Am really excited to see this movie due to the fact that it has received great reviews when it premiered in France at the Cannes Film Festival in May last year. It won the FIPRESCI Prize there.

Another indication that this is a great movie is the fact that reviewers have given the movie an average score of 7.6 out of 10 on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb.com) when I last checked.

One critic calls it
one of most disturbing horror movies imaginable

All of this has made me really curious. Hope it lives up to my expectations. Is it about a girl who turns to bugs or bugs after a girl? Maybe it has simply nothing to do with bugs at all. So what do you think this bug movie is about?

Check out the movie trailer below and tell me what you think.

Guess we will have to wait and see in order to find out.


  1. ooohhh i love horror movie so i guess i will love bug. when will it be shown in malaysia i wonder.

  2. "disturbing"? Oh yeah I love this kind. I hope it *will* make it to Malaysian silver screen without much censorship!

  3. Lucia: not sure.

    Narrowband: We can always get an uncensored DVD, if you know what I mean.

  4. ewwwy i won't watch it no way ,, i have bugs phobias ,,
    That is why i want to be cremated , i don't care if bugs eat my ashes but not my flesh or crawl on me ,even if i'm not breathing..
    I truly did consider Mausoleum crypt in a ensured-sealed casket , but after reading the pro's n con's , as much as i'd always wanted to be in a crypt , it's kinda eeewwy.

    Okz i'm ranting totally off topic ,
    its after 4am here time 4 me to go to zzzland

  5. Sweetspirits: It's funny but I felt that way too until quite recently. About being buried, at least my body can benefit some bugs, worms and other organisms.
