15 May 2007

4 generations of ladies

My in-laws left for Malaysia by Emirates from Birmingham International Airport, along with my brother-in-law and Grandmother yesterday. As we didn't have enough room in the car, my wife and the kids saw them off at the house. My daughter, Rahil was really sad and she cried several times yesterday. She kept saying, "I miss Tok Ma (grandma)!" over and over again. All of us were a bit down and the house suddenly seemed so quiet.

It was really nice to have them here in Coventry, even if it was only for a short duration of 2 weeks.

You might be surprised to learn that there were 4 generations of ladies (all from mother's side) - Tok (my wife's grandmother), my mother-in-law, my wife and Rahil and all of them happen to be first born. Certainly unique.

Rahil with great-Grandma.


  1. Goodbyes are always sad....Bidding adieu to Mecca and the Prophet really moved me!

  2. Thanks for your visit to my blog. Your blog is unique and fun to read...I will put down as my favourite blog to visit...

    Good to know there are Malaysians around here...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. it's always nice to see the generations together.

    i remember many many years back, i was out with my grandma and my mother. when we stop at a coffee shop for some bite, the coffee shop lady suddenly look at us and said "this is grandma, this is mother, and this is the grandchild. i was flattered she could tell!

  5. Wow, I was amazed :) 4 generations in the house. There were a little bit noisy I suppose ;)
