30 April 2007

Watching the clouds go by

One thing I really miss here in the UK are the sunny islands of Malaysia where we used to holiday almost every year without fail (at least before the kids).

The best were the islands off Terengganu on the east coast of Malaysia. It where you could get away from it all - with no mobile phone connections, no newspapers and usually only one TV set for the whole resort.

Just relaxing in a hammock between two palm trees on the beach with a favorite book or just watch the clouds go by. Sigh! Falling asleep was never this easy. That's real relaxation.

Talking about hammocks, visit HammocksRock.com to learn all about Hammocks. I was really amazed to realize that there were so many different types of hammocks that are available. I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a Hammock Chair. I also learnt that the best hammocks are cotton hammocks - those made from cotton.

You can also read about hammock stands because not every body has 2 coconut trees growing in their backyard.

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