19 April 2007

Trip to Cambridge cancelled

We were planning a trip to Cambridge and had even booked the hotel rooms but had to cancel it at the last minute.

A few days back we noticed some red rashes on our son. The next day, water filled blisters developed on the skin. Checking on the Internet led us to a distinct possibility - chicken pox. However, the sites mentioned that the kids would suffer from fever but Imaan was normal. We decided to take him to our GP and she confirmed it as chicken pox.

I guess we have to take that trip to Cambridge some other time. Anyway, it's just one and a half hours away from here.


  1. Tamo i think you should remove the google ad Soulmatecalculator. I went on to the site, and when i logged in, they had no disclaimer or terms of use. Only when you go to their main site you could see those important documents.I was charged $9.99 for a monthly subscribtion which I never wanted. i tried to unsubscribe but I couldnt coz my credit had run out. Well i worte an email to them already about this. If they dont answer me back i am going to spread the news to everyone...nite &

  2. hope imaan is better now. Imaan's a fighter eh? didnt create any tantrums like many. Proud of him already :) kisses to the Girls:

  3. Oops! That's bad.
    I don't choose the Google ads that appear on my site. I am sure there must be a way to unsubscribe. Went over to the site and noticed that the terms are below the sign up. However, that quite unfair and I do think that's cheating your customers. Better be more careful next time.
