04 April 2007

Article on Internet ads and SEO

I have got a lot of people interested in blogging, particularly after hearing that I made money out of it sitting at home. A lot of them went ahead and created new accounts with Blogger. I had to show how to choose a template, add links and post. However, that was the easy part. Explaining how online ads work and more technical stuff like optimizing their sites for search engines proved to be tougher.

There are numerous blogs and websites explaining all these things but I found some great short articles on the worldmarketsystems site. The site mentions that World Market Systems was founded in 2002 and currently hosts over 50,000 websites. I am not really sure as the site doesn't have any further information about the company.

Anyway, I found the articles "How to use Banner Advertising" and "How does Search Engine Optimization affect me?" quite interesting and am going to send the url of this site to my friends.

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