01 April 2007

Place I really want to go to

Doris tagged me again with another meme - this time about the place you want to go. It got me thinking about the places I have always wanted to visit - Hawaii, Seychelles, Holland, Egypt, Turkey and Easter Island among others in a long list.

However, when I really thought about it, there is one place I really want to go - Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Not really for tourism but more for spiritual reasons. I have heard so many amazing stories from people who have already been there - either performing their hajj or umrah, that I want to feel it for my myself.

Just copy the lines below and post on your own blog.


**Start Copy**

Proposition : Where do you want to go Next, OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY, for tourism, work, study, whatever.

Requirements: Find some info about the place, itenary etc, pics if possible so you get MORE Traffic coming in, and maybe some people can find somewhere to go to. Excludes your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, i.e., a country that borders yours. You must register for MyBloglog so we can blogwalk ah…..get it?

Quantity : FIVE PEOPLE.

Tag Mode : Chain Link. 15 of them.
You leave 15 people and their DEEP LINK of their Blog Name and TAGGED POST and hit out for five more. So it will look like

Doris who wants to go to the the Carribean Islands, Azrin going Down Under, MaRLinda in Disneyland Paris, Athira Baby and her Balamory Antics and Msau to Japan

**Add in the blog you get the tags from and tagged post.**

I am going to tag the following people:
Ita, Zaza, Dad-of-four, Lucia and Eches


  1. Wah.. adam, you are so adventurous hor..

  2. aLHAMDULLillah...
    May you be blessed with it soon.

    but first...Piak! Kena Saman.. US$10.
    Doris forgot to say..200 words minimum....


    We are watching you....

  3. Doris: Not sure about that but glad to hear that you think so.

    Azrin: Oops! Better go and write a bit more.
    Can I go "Maaf Puan. Tolang laaaah!"
