25 February 2007

What's the Ultimate Gift

Life is how you live it ...
not how you spend it.
That is the message behind the new movie, "The Ultimate Gift" which will be released on March 9.

Starring Academy Award nominee and “Little Miss Sunshine” star Abigail Breslin, James Garner, Ali Hillis, Drew Fuller and Brian Dennehy, this movie is based on the book of the same name by Jim Stovall, which has so far sold 4 million copies.

This is not your typical popcorn movie but rather a values-oriented, heartfelt one with a social message. It is based on the message that "The only way you can truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.”

I was amazed to learn that the movie has made such an impact even before it's official release, with over $5 million in donations to charity. Schools are already incorporating the message into their curriculum and has even resulted in a unique teen charity initiative called “Show Of Hands".

I have already read the book and I can truly tell you that it really made quite an impact on me. Just can't wait to see the movie version. You can view a short teaser clip of the movie on youTube here.

This is the official site of the movie "The Ultimate Gift" and the grass-roots movement its starting to help charities and give to others.

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