13 February 2007

Site statistics tools

On my site I have the following tools, which give me info about my site statistics:
1, Sitemeter
2. Onestat
3. Alexa

Most statistics tools require you to upgrade to a paid service in order to obtain detailed statistics.

Most of us are concerned how people get to our site. In other words, what are the Top search queries that lead visitors to our site.

Just found out that I could obtain this info using Google Webmaster Tools. You can also see a list of pages on your site that have links pointing to them from other sites. It also tells you whether your site has any Web crawl errors including dead links.

Try it out for yourself. However, you need to sign up with a Google account before you can try out all the goodies and there are loads.

A humble request for those of you which still have Webstats (the free version) on your blogs. Please get rid of it. Haven't met anyone who likes pop up ads.


  1. i use sitemeter and onestats too but i don't use alexa.

    adam, you are not using google analytics? it is very good indeed - very detailed!

  2. I do use Google analytics. I Agree with you. It's been a very useful tool for my SEO projects.
