01 March 2007

Mobile social network

There are so many social networks out there that I have actually lost count. However, when you think you have seen it all, there comes along something new with a with a slightly different concept.

Ccube.com is a mobile social network where people can use any phone and any carrier to connect to people over the phone. The great thing is that there is no need for downloads and it's totally free.

Join ccube.com for FREE at www.ccube.com

I was a bit concerned about privacy issues (as you should all be) when I first heard about this service. I was quite satisfied when I learnt that the caller ID shows the ccube.com number, not your phone number. Thus, the person on the other line only knows your phone number and other personal information IF you do decide to give them that information on your own.

The platform is now live in US and Canada but they have plans to expand globally.

Check it out and tell me what you think.


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