16 February 2007

Leading online backup service

I am sure many of you must have gone through the pain of losing valuable files after your computer crashed. Had one particular painful experience when my old computer just died leaving a blue screen - the blue screen of death. The hard drive was damaged and I lost all my research data and a lot of documents including the soft copy of my MBA theses.

Wish I had backup system in place then. Searched on the net and I have identified some of the leading online backup services. They allow you to back up your files and data on their servers which you can then download from anywhere.

If you are using such a service, I would love to hear your experiences.

Don't take the risk of not backing up your data. You might regret it later. I have already learnt my lesson so I hope you won't learn it the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. Adam....my percedent documents were wiped out two years ago. I know the feeling!
