11 February 2007

Earnings on Payperpost

As most of my regulars know, I have been blogging for more than 3 years now on my ah ok lah blog. Autolah was my second blog, which specifically focuses on the auto industry and everything and anything related to cars.

However, I didn't earn a single cent from my blogs even though I did receive some projects from people who got to know me through them. That was until I joined Payperpost.

Anyway, I joined as a "postie" with Payperpost.com, the leader in blog advertising, only in December last year. My wife has stopped complaining about my blogging habit after she saw that I was making money from it. So far I have been paid US $149.30 and am yet to be paid a few hunred dollars more (plus $10 if this post is accepted). That's pretty good considering that I am a newbie.

SO what am I going to do with the money that I have already earned?

Well I am going to transfer a bit to my wife's account, use some to buy household stuff and I am also planning to buy a few domain names.


  1. hey adam, this is such a co-incidence. i was just thinking of emailing you to ask you how much have you earned so far and suddenly i saw this post. this is because i had been seeing so many sponsored posts from you and did wonder... wow! must be earning a lot by now. well congrats for the $149.30 you got and more on the way too.

    an observation. yes a blogger might get lotsa money for blogging but she/he'll be blogging sponsored posts, and thus less and less personal posts and i wonder will this made the blog less popular/traffic drop.

    just thinking out loud. :)

  2. Thanks. Having sponsored posts has not made my made my blog less popular. On the contrary traffic has actually increased.

    Examples, of other highly popular blogs having a lot of sponsored posts 5xmom and LiwCF's sites.

  3. actually, if i'm not mistaken, liewcf got most of his money from ads, not sponsored posts. come to think of it, he has very few sponsored posts.

  4. never tried the route of making money by blogging -- just did it for fun.
    John Chow was recently featured in our local newspaper. Claims to have made over $3,440.66 last month from ad revenue. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how he's getting that much.
