08 February 2007

Cooking for the family

nasi_lemakMy cooking skills are getting better by the day.

Day before yesterday, my wife and I were talking about life in Malaysia and how easy and cheap it was to eat outside. One of our favourite haunts was a place called Subang Ria in Kelana Jaya. My wife was talking about how good their Nasi Lemak was.

Well it was my turn to cook and so I announced that I was going to prepare Nasi Lemak. my wife was very skeptical but it turned out OK in the end.

I cooked all of the stuff in the picture. Dishes from top in anti clockwise manner:
1. Fried ikan bilis (anchovies)
2. Hot chili with tomatoes sambal.
3. Chicken which I had cooked earlier.
4. Boiled eggs and cucumber.
5. Half eaten nasi lemak.

The only ingredient missing were roasted peanuts.

I just added a packet of coconut cream powder, which we had brought along from Malaysia, to the rice to give it that special Nasi Lemak taste.

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