11 January 2007

Walking my girl to school

My wife was at the University the whole day for invigilating some exams.

Had to walk my daughter to school today - the first time I had to do that. Previously, I used to drop her off by our car. In a previous post, I had mentioned that the school was a walk away. I never realised it was a 15 minutes walk with me pushing a stroller and my daughter in tow. Thank God! we invested in a good stroller.

It was bright and sunny today but there was a chilly wind blowing around. By the time we got to the school, I couldn't feel my ears. Getting back was faster - 10 minutes. Had to go and pick her up again but my daughter enjoyed the walk. Well! I got some exercise too.

Walking her to school and back again tomorrow as my wife has classes. I just hope it doesn't rain.


  1. awwwww... isnt it nice?! did imaan enjoyed it as much as rahil did?

  2. He was a good boy and didn't cause any trouble. But his cheeks were really cold when we got home.
