27 January 2007

Malaysian bloggers meme

Got tagged by Lilian, the (in)famous 5Xmom (just joking). I have to list down five of my favourite Malaysian bloggers. It's quite hard to choose because I visit a lot of Malaysian blogs everyday. Anyway, here are the top 5 (not in any particular order):

1. Chan Lilian - the lady who tagged me is also one of my idols. Her posts are humorous and witty - a great combination. However, may not be safe for kids. he he he. I learned a lot about making money from blogs, through her blogs. That's right, "Blogs". She actually has like 12 other blogs.

2. Kenny Sia - Arguably, Malaysia's most famous blogger. His blog receives like 15k visitors daily and that is amazing. Contrary to what some people say, he does write about serious stuff. Only he writes them in his own humorous way.

3. Lainie - Really creative lady. She write super duper long posts with numerous topics - it's crazy.

4. Azlynne - Another lady who write really long posts. Been a regular to her blog for quite sometime now - maybe because both of us like rock music and sci-fi.

5. Lucia Lai - Writes on some very serious/ controversial topics that I am worried that she might get into trouble with the authorities on day. She's one of my regular visitors (who leave comments ) too.

I am not going to tag anybody. Everyone is welcome to join in. Just leave a comment and I will add you name to a list below:
1. ?


  1. got lotsa good malaysian blogs. no wonder blogging is today's business. you keep on posting good stuffs too bro. have a picture of ur children everyday. it'll be lovely if they see it in the future :)

    just like this blog:

    PS: but currently she moved to another blog as she have a new baby girl.

  2. thanks for mentioning me... and for the concern. ayoh! scared one day i might end up like jeff and rocky? or end up in kamunting? haha. that was what martin jalleh said to me a week ago when he came to our office. when he wanted to leave he said "see you in kamunting." haha. beside being a good writer, he is one hell of a joker!

    i do not have top most fav. bloggers but i have a list of fav. bloggers whom i vist daily without fail. the list that i have in my sidebar, not all i visit daily.

    been a week i'm without line at home, adam, so can't comment! (now am doing it via the church's PC!).

    i see these days you had a lot of sponsored posts up. honestly speaking i don't really like reading sponsored posts, thus you see hardly comment.

  3. Hahaha, tks for the mention! I target to hit USD1K at PPP this month.

  4. Ainee: I am tagging you now.

    Lucia, 5Xmom: You are welcome.

    5xmom: that's amazing. all the best.
