02 January 2007

Lunch at Nottingham

Early in the morning we set off for Nottingham to meet up with our friends there. With my wife as navigator we took less than an hour to reach Amrul's house there 9via the M6, M69 and M1). Spent some time chatting and off we went, to Zarina and Zamri's place. Amrul is a really good cook and he loves cooking but I guess, it's nothing strange as most of the best cooks in the World are men.

Both Amrul and Zarina are my wife's colleagues and both are pursuing their PhDs at the University of Nottingham.

We dropped by Amrul's office on the way and the architecture is really fantastic.

Had really good food at Zarina's house. As usual, I was busy eating that I forgot to take pictures of the food. By the time we started on our journey back, it was already dark.

It was really nice to meet up with them again.


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