30 January 2007

The cup of life

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to make milk for my baby son. The second thing I do is to make a steaming pot of my favourite drink - tea. Called the cup of life, I have been a tea drinker my whole life, except for a short period when I was seduced by the yuppie cafe culture. Now I have come to accept the fact that I do not really like coffee. Nowadays when I get pulled to Starbucks by my wife, I will order a cup of Earl Grey or English Breakfast.

Grand Tea Stand is an online retailer of fine teas. They have a great range of teas ranging from simple black teas to the rarest of white teas, all of which are priced quite reasonably.

They also sell tea related accessories and tea post. Besides that, they also plan to educate people on the many health benefits of tea. Their "health" page (in pdf format), which you can download is really educational.

I had read about the beneficial effects of tea because of the antioxidants of tea but I didn't know that it helps prevent teeth decay, aids in weight loss, prevents cancer and heath diseases among others.

Sipping my cup of "Darjeeling" as I write this post.


  1. I love tea! Earl Grey is my favourite. Japanese green tea comes second.

  2. I am also a tea drinker with green tea as my favorite. Flower teas like those with rose buds and lavendar are taken occasionally.

  3. Tea has indeed lots of good benefits. It can also be used for beauty treatment because it relaxes and rejuvenate skin. My all time favorite is green tea. Chamomile tea is always effective for me whenever I am stressed. Great post!
