31 January 2007

Connecting bloggers with sponsors

Blogs are the new marketing medium and Blog Sponsorships are on the rise. There are severla ways that bloggers are earning money through their blogs - text link placement, banner placement, product reviews, etc

BloggingSponsorships.com is a newly launched site that connects bloggers with sponsors, advertisers, and marketers. It has a database of blogs that are interested in receiving marketing and advertising offers. These sponsorship deals are negotiated privately and Bloggers stand to make up to a few thousands of dollars more a year. I guess, the higher your blog popularity, the higher you can demand.

This system also allows sponsors to obtain branding and advertising deals with blogs that fit their specific demographic/niche audience. Thus, it is a win-win situation.

The site also has affiliate incentives, giving out $2.50 - $12.50 for every sign up.


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