14 January 2007

Car serviced..... FINALLY!

Woke up early in the morning and sent my car for servicing. I had to leave it at the workshop on Stony Stanton road, for a few hours and I didn't know what to do or where to go. Read my post here.

Fortunately, I suddenly remembered that Malaysians usually had a gathering every Saturday, at the MRC nearby. While I was walking over there, I called up En. Wahab my good friend to see whether he was coming today. He was but found out, unfortunately that the gathering was an hour later.

So got back to the workshop and was able to chat a bit with the owner. I passed away the time reading the car service manual and I actually learnt a lot about the car.

Later went to the MRC around 10am and the families started arriving soon after. The Malaysian community in Coventry is quite close knit and it was nice meeting up with them - listening to what they were up to and to their experiences here in the UK.

Later went to En. Wahab's house to pass the time while my car was being serviced. Chatted about life in Malaysia and my previous job. Quite interesting.

Finally got back my car around 3pm.

Thanks Wahab for all the help. I won't forget it.


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