16 December 2006

From blogging to webdesigning

Without even realising it, I have become a full time blogger and my wife yesterday pointed out that I am blogging a post daily, sometimes more. The good news is that I have been receiving a lot of some opportunities to earn money. This include invitations to contribute articles, to manage websites and even a few webdesign projects.

The funny thing is that I don't even a background in ICT. Yeah! I did obtain a piece of paper saying that I am a "Certified E-commerce Professional" after attending a course in Informatics, Petaling Jaya. However, I learnt most of the stuff myself - through trial and error and online tutorials.

While I was working in Kedah, I did receive several web designing projects but I would pass it on to other freelance web designers as I didn't have enough time. Now, I am not letting any project go as every penny counts.

In the past I used to host most of my websites with one very cheap host (only RM90 annually for 100MB space) in Malaysia. I stopped using him as most of the sites I designed later were for Government organisations, which had their own servers.

Anyway, some of the new projects I am working on are not the simple static websites I used to design. These people want Content Management Sysytems (CMS) and e-commerce facilties.

Searching for an affordable web hosting service that could fulfill the requirements have been causing me a bit of a headache. Searching on Google gave several links which were quite confusing. That was, until I came across the cheap ecommerce hosting directory. They have listed six companies (when I last checked) that can help create and manage an online store. Right now I haven't decided as yet but am comparing their services and of course the most important detail, the cost.

The website has given a list of the top 10 webhosting companies. I am not really sure how they came out with the list but they mention that they...
factor in numerous variables to arrive at the top 10 list. This is an honor reserved for those web hosting companies that go above and beyond in products, service, and quality.

Going though the list seems to confirm their claims. For example, the No 1 in the list, Ipower.com has been Top 5 Host 2005 Winner, Editor's Pick 2006, cnet Top 3 Most Popular and 2006 Gold Award Top Ten Reviews.

For those looking for cheap hosts, they also have the 'Budget Showcases' that lists
affordable hosting companies.

Besides those mentioned above, they also have listings under Unix Web Hosting, Windows/.NET/ASP hosting, VPS /Dedicated, Resell Hosting, Exchange Web Hosting.

If you consider yourself an expert on the in the hosting and domain name industry, you are in luck (Unfortunately I am not one). You may get paid to write what you know. Just click here for the details.

SO if you are looking for a web host, look no further. Just go to


1 comment:

  1. Web hosting company,
    Intermedia.NET is offering a FREE trial of its Exchange 2007 for December. They're also giving away a free copy of Outlook.
