28 November 2006

Not my typical day

A day in my life in the "city of peace and reconciliation" and "The home of Jaguar".

9 O clock in the morning, started out from our house to Birmingham where my wife had a temporary (one day) job as an exam invigilator. She will get £58, which is not really that bad for a day's work.

With the two kids on the back seat, my wife acting as my navigator and using the printout of the route from the AA site, we set off. I hate motorways and used the A45. Maybe not the right choice as the max speed is between 30 and 60 mph only with 40 mph as soon as we enter Birmingham.

We got to the destination right on the dot (10am). However, on the way back, I got lost and drove around quite a bit. Somehow, I found the way back to Poets corner (a landmark I am very familiar with). From there, it was a straight road back to Coventry.

After I got back, cleaned up and fed the kids.

Today was also officially Rahil's first day at her pre-school. Technically, we had been there twice before. We had one trial session last Friday, just to get her used to the new environment and she had loved it. The pre-school is about 8 minutes drive. How we got a place for Rahil there was a nightmare and is another story (post).

Anyway, I was really proud of Rahil today. She acted really mature and when I dropped her off at 12:15pm, she just asked me whether I am coming back to pick her up. I said "Yes!" and she happily went off to play.

Got back home and made Imaan sleep. Fixed myself a quick Nasi Goreng (fried rice) lunch. Watched TV.

Then picked up Rahil at 2:45pm.

blah blah blah

Before I knew it, it was already 5pm. My wife just informed me that she was on the way back with here friends by bus and train.

Cooked dinner and finally got on the net.

My wife got back at 8pm. Had dinner together and I am on the net again and writing this post.


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