07 November 2006

Missing a turn

Last Saturday we decided to pay our friends Fifi and Redza, a visit at their new house near Warwick.

Now, before we go anywhere, we always check out the route using Google maps and the RAC route planner. "Why two maps?", you may ask. Well, sometimes we get two different routes from the different website. However, as they say, not everything goes as planned.

I missed one crucial left turn to a roundabout. Went straight ahead and took a wrong turn on another roundabout, straight into a motorway - the M40 to be more precise. We had to go all the way to Birmingham before we could make a U turn. Moral of the story: if you are at a roundabout and you are not sure, just go round and round a few times before you decide.

We ultimately arrived at their house, safe but more than an hour late. It was nice to meet up with them and their parents, who were there visiting from Malaysia. The last time we had seen them was at their's (and Hardy/Zaza's reception) in Johor.

Their new house looks fabulous and with a huge garden. Redza showed off his new DIY tools, which made me drool. He plans to renovate the house himself. Though I didn't have the chance to look at it, my wife did and according to her, the bathroom, which Redza did up with a friend, looks great.

Imaan was well behaved and he made quite an impression, I think.



  1. What a traffic nightmare! I can't imagine driving on those things, but I guess once you get used to them, if you ever get used to them, they won't be so bad.
    Glad you all had a nice visit.

  2. Oh no...kesiannya! i think i know which roundabout you missed. but at least now you know kan? :) thank you for visiting them. mum was excited to meet you all, she even called me to say they've bought a cake. was there a cake? and of course imaan made an impression ;) they kept saying how chubby he is! and yes, redza's REALLY into DIY, give him a hammer, or even a nail, he'll be happy! hope we can visit them and you guys too as we REALLY miss all!

  3. Jane, Zaza: I guess the saying, "learning from your mistakes" apply here. I won't miss that turn again and at least I knw another alternative route to get to Birmingham.

    Zaza: There was a cake and some other pastries too. Fifi packed some for us because Rahil really liked them.
