06 June 2006

Jaguar mosaic and I

Yesterday was World Environment Day. It has been, every year, on the June 5th since its inception by the United Nations in 1972.

And again it passed, this time without even false promises.

According to a report by the Word Wide Fund for Nature, international funding for conservation is gradually decreasing.
At a time when the devastating effects of environmental damage are being felt further and wider than ever, governments, including the US, are considering cutting their financial support to the GEF by as much as 50 per cent.
In April 2006, WWF asked supporters to add their faces to create a photo mosaic making the picture of a jaguar. A huge version of the photo mosaic the size of a volley ball pitch was unveiled on 16 May in Berne, Switzerland. It comprised around 12,000 photos of WWF supporters from around the world. One of them was mine. Read The mosaic unveiled.

You can also view the online version here.



  1. wahh..
    hey, which one is yours?

  2. Putting up a small pic of the location soon.

  3. ya we would like to know which one is you.

    btw, the jaguar look lovely!

  4. Wow that's cool.. but too bad I missed it! (I didn't know it was World Environment Day!) Anyway, Adam, thanks for blogrolling me. I think you've blogrolled me twice. :)
