26 June 2006

Celcom scam

Some unique messages on my handphone recently:
TAHNIAH-Anda telah t'pilih utk menerima bonus p'gilan percuma sbnyk RM50 drpd CELCOM. Utk m'aktifkan RM50 ke akaun anda, silataip 08 & hantar ke 10133934236.TQ

TAHNIAH...Anda telah menerima kredit panggilan percuma RM50, sempena ulang tahun CELCOM ke 29. Untuk mengaktifkannya sila taip 7 dan hantarkan ke 10199927191.TQ

Roughly translated into English, both messages mean:
You have won RM50 from CELCOM blah blah, please type (amount) and send to (phone number).

CELCOM's Airtime Share service (ASS) is quite useful especially in times of emergency when the prepaid airtime credit has run out. The person could then send a request to a friend or family member (celcome prepaid user) for airtime credit.

However, scammers are abusing this system, asking credit from strangers using tricks like those given above.

The Sedania Media Group (SMG), which is the provider of the Airtime Transfer Solution, is offering a reward of up to RM2,000 for any information leading to the successful arrest and conviction of these perpetrators.

Prepaid mobile phone users who receive such suspicious messages can report them through SMS (33009) or e-mail (info@idot.tv).

Related news link: Mobile Phone Airtime Share Abusers Can Be Penalised


Just received this e-mail:

Bsmillahir Rahmaanir Raheem,

Assalam Alaikum,

Wasalaam to you,and how are you doing?. My intention of contacting you is to solicit your assistance for a project, which will be mutually beneficial. Though I know my decision to contact you is to a large extent unconventional, the prevailing circumstances necessitated my action. I am Muayed Abdul Faisal. I am son to Late Mallam Mustafa Abdul Faisal of blessed memory was an oil explorer in Libya and Kuwait for twelveyears before hedied in the year 2000. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both devoted Muslims. Since his death I too have been battling with both Cancer and fibroid problems.When my late Father was alive he made a huge deposit in millions of US dollars with a Deposit Company in oversea. (I will tell you the amount as we proceed).

Recently, my doctor told me that I have only few months to live due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to either a Muslim organization or devoted Muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. My parents died at a tender age and i was brought up in the orphanage through the help of a devouted muslim. I want this Muslim organization or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund mosques, orphanages, widows, and also propagating the word of ALLAH and to ensure that the society upholds the views and belief of the Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran emphasizes so much on ALLAH'S benevolence and this has encouraged me to take the bold step. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my relatives are into some radical Organizations and I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an Unholy manner. Hence the reasons for this bold decision, I know that after death I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent and the most merciful. I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, because of the presence of my relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about this development. With ALLAH all things are possible.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact information of the Deposit Company in oversea where the money was deposited. I will also issue a letter of authority to the Deposit Company authorizing them that the said fund have being willed to you and a copy of such authorization will be forwarded to you. I want you and the Muslim community where you reside to always pray for me. My happiness is that I lived a true devoted Muslims worthy of emulation, Whoever that wants to serve ALLAH must serve him in truth and in fairness. I will not stipulate any precise amount to reward you, as it will have to be on pre-negotiated terms, based on your level of involvement.

Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for a Muslim organization or a devoted Muslim for this same purpose. Until I hear from you by email, my dreams will rest squarely on your Shoulders. May the Almighty ALLAH continue to guide and protect you.


Muayed Abdul Faisal



They are getting better all the time.



  1. huargh, celcom is 29? handphones arent even that old!

  2. Hahahah..

    The email is "inspiring" though :P pity it sounded too much like a nigerian scam

  3. i received those kind of emails many times.

    another kind of scam email is the one tellign you that you have won millions in some contest. when i first started using internet/email, being very 'green' when i received this 'you have won' (some big amount cash), i was so excited, my heart beat loud, thinking that i had really won. hahaha.

    sms scam so far i have not received yet!

  4. Yes, about Celcom air time I did received the sms many times from different no. All the time I just ignore it, but sometimes to be nasty a bit I replied sms to them as "f**k you". I am using postpaid also they want to ask for air time share.

  5. It's a pity that so many ppl actually fall for this kind of obvious scam...
