24 April 2006

Statistics counter source of popups

Some visitors to my blog started complaining about popups whenever they visited my blog. I was a bit surprised as I haven't had this problem before. After doing some research I narrowed down the source of the popups to my site statistics counter provided by Nedstat (now known as Webstats4U). I have been using Nedstats for a long time, since 9 September 2003.

Nedstat was taken over by Webstats4U in 2005 and I thought that the service had improved. What I didn't know was that they were putting popups in my blog through their JavaScript code. Of course they are providing their service for free but I hate pop-ups. And I discovered that I am not the only one. Read here, here and here.

Last month, I started using the statistics counter provided by Onestatfree.com and it's even better than the one provided by Webstats4u.

So bye bye Webstats4u and thanks (but no thanks) for your services. According to the last recorded statistics:

Total number of page views up till now: 49087
Busiest day so far: 6 February 2004
Page views: 352
Page views today: 57
Page views yesterday: 68

Forecast for today
On average 69 percent of the daily visits are made before 17:15. Based on the number of visitors of 57 today so far, today your site may have 82 page views (+/- 3).

Last 10 visitors
1. 24 April 16:03 Access Communications, Canada
2. 24 April 16:16 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
3. 24 April 16:17 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
4. 24 April 16:24 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
5. 24 April 16:30 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
6. 24 April 16:41 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
7. 24 April 16:50 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
8. 24 April 17:02 TMnet Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia
9. 24 April 17:03 TMnet Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia
10. 24 April 17:12 Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia

Country of origin
1. Malaysia : 29489 60.1 %
2. United States : 8328 17.0 %
3. Singapore : 2318 4.7 %
4. United Kingdom : 1928 3.9 %
5. Australia : 1090 2.2 %
6. Hong Kong S.A.R. : 680 1.4 %
7. Japan : 588 1.2 %
8. Canada : 535 1.1 %
9. Philippines : 472 1.0 %
10. India : 309 0.6 %
Unknown : 411 0.8 %
The rest : 2939 6.0 %
Total : 49087 100.0 %



  1. in my old blog i used onestatsfree too. in fact i used 3 - onestatsfree, bravenet and site meter. i had been using these 3 on my old blog for a long time.

    i think of all, site meter is the best. you should try site meter too, adam. i do like onestatsfree too in my old blog. i have yet to install onestatsfree in my new blog.

    i did install bravenet in my new blog but then i discovered that bravenet slows down the loading of page so i took it out.

    yeah i know, you will want to ask me why i need 3 site trackers. i dunno. hehehe.

  2. Wow! I have had 2 site meters but 3 is takes the cake.

    I might try site meter too. However, what I like about onestatsfree is that they allow us to check the ip adds of visitors . Not sure whether site meter allows that.

  3. i'll have to agree with lucia - i like sitemeter most.

  4. i still got pop-ups in me blog.. hmm grrr
