15 March 2006

Tower or tree

No. 8 entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge.

This telecommunication tower is supposed to blend in into the surroundings but it stands out like a sore thumb. I guess it is better than the normal ones. Not sure who the tower belongs to or whether different cellular phone companies are sharing the same tower.

I have been a loyal Celcom prepaid user for quite sometime now. Initially was a Digi user but got and sick and tired of their low coverage whenever I traveled outside the Klang valley and changed to Celcom. I heard that Digi services are much better now. I have never tried Maxis but it seems like out of every 3 people I know in Kedah, 2 of them have a Maxis line.

Was seriously considering of moving to Digi and even had two numbers (one Celcom and one Digi) at one time. However, I didn't renew the Digi number for a few months. When I tried to, I had a shock when I discovered that the sim card was no longer working. Even worse when I found out that they had given the number to someone else - and it was a nice number. I hate Digi now.

Here are some reasons why I think Celcom prepaid is the best:

- Largest network coverage in the country, covering 95% of the populated areas.
- Their 8 Pax service whereby I can register up to a maximum of eight (8) numbers either from Celcom 013, 019 or Telekom Malaysia fixed lines (calls: 15 sen/minute and 1 sen/sms).
- I also got to upgrade my old sim card to the new 3G card during their promotion period.
- Cheap international roaming services. I put in RM100 and it lasted for the whole period (around 8 days) I was in Australia even though I was calling back to Malaysia every day. I even had around Rm5 credit left when I came back.
- Not sure whether they will take away my number if I don’t renew for 3 months after the network access has expired.

I am sure they are going to come up with more offers as the fight for the Prepaid market gets more aggressive.



  1. i used maxis (postpaid) right from day one (ie. when i first started using handphone, which was about 5 years ago) and have no problems with it at all. i heard quite a lot of complains of maxis (esp. jeff ooi and his readers) but to me, maxis is pretty good - no complains whatsoever. but then again this could be because i usually use my handphone for basic local calls only and hardly use it for international roaming or even local travelling.

  2. Interesting 'tower'.. you didn't snap it in Malaysia don't you?

  3. Lucia: My friends who have been using Maxis are quite happy with the service too.

    Jee: Yes, it is in Malaysia. Kedah to be more specific.

  4. pretty ugly 'tree'... Kedah? di mana?

  5. Now that's something you dont see everyday.

  6. Celcom annoys us by sending msgs in malay. we are foreign students & wat the hell we can understand if they send in malay.

    Also we cant change plans, or register 8pax online. Tats the easiest way but they dun have that facility....Celcom sucks
