14 February 2006

More Melbourne Pictures

Federation Square: Surrounded by by some buildings with amazing architecture, it lies in the centre of Melbourne.

Flinders Street Railway Station: At the corner of Flinders and Swanston Streets, it is the oldest city station in Australia (built in 1854). Just 2 more stops to South Yarra

A nice mix of new and old buildings.

The place to get your curry powder and tofu. Near Queen Victoria Market.

There is a China Town in almost every big city and Melbourne is no Exception.

I love the pedestrian friendly sidewalks.

Trams still run in Melbourne. A good way to get across the city and see it as well.


  1. i ahvent step foot in aust before, gah

    happy v-day!

  2. it'd be cool if we had some manic architecture like that in the middle of kl :P

  3. Hi Adam

    I think i'm a little late , but Welcome to Oz i hope ya's have a gr8 time .


  4. Cyber-red, Jen: Happy V day. Jen: Your new layout looks great.

    Lainie: I definitley agree with you.

    Sweetspirit: Hi! Its been sometime since I last heard from you. I have a lot of excuses to visit it again as my sister and husband is now settled there.
