17 January 2006

Lifestyle of Online Shoppers

Some people who read my previous post joked (off-line) that I had spent time eating and roaming around Bukit Bintang instead of listening to the presentations at the conference. They are partly right. I try to enjoy myself at every conference I attend.

However, the main reasons I attend conferences are to:
1. Listen to experts on topics of interest;
2. Present papers and get feedback from others; and
3. Network – develop professional relationships.

Two of my papers (jointly written with my wife) were accepted for presentation in the conference. I presented one while she presented another. As you can see, ours is a very symbiotic relationship – mutually beneficial.

My paper presented the findings of a study regarding the Internet oriented lifestyles of those who shop online and those who don’t - online Malaysian shoppers and non-shoppers.

The study was conducted last year and confined to the residents in some areas of Kedah and the Klang Valley (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor) of Malaysia. Respondents were internet users from both gender, aged 18 and above.

The findings were really interesting. Based on the analysis of 311 usuable responses, it was found that most online shoppers are young males who were professionals, managers or had their own businesses. They are less concerned about online security, are competent internet users and shop online because they find it fun, easy and convenient.

The study also revealed some fundamental satisfiers and dis-satisfiers of shopping online. We recommend that E-commerce companies as well as those planning to start e-commerce operations should take into consideration the needs and wants of each consumer group as well as the factors preventing them from involving in buying online.

Those companies should take steps to reduce the fears of the consumers with regards to online shopping. Improving the store reputation and brand image as well as providing specific warranties, would go a long way in improving consumer confidence.

Besides demonstrating that online shopping is convenient, safe, easy and fun, online stores must also offer other incentives and motivations. Thus, besides building consumer confidence, offering more rewarding shopping experience than what is presently available would go a long way in persuading consumers to shop online and to continue doing so in the future.



  1. I just love that kind of symbiotic relationship like the one that you mentioned. My boss works together with his hubby, and they write a lot of papers together. She just received professorship at the age of 45.
    As for myself, I'm thankful enough to have hubby to listen and be a critic, and an escort to my fieldtrips/conferences;)

  2. adam,

    nice story here...

    keep it up!

  3. very good recommendations, you came up with.:)

    i've actually never tried online shopping, so i can't say much about it. hehehe:) well, that's basically because i don't own a credit card and most online shops accept only credit cards. or am i mistaken about this?:)

  4. about the only thing that keeps me from shopping online is
    1) no credit card
    2) no money


  5. Hey... envy your symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship with your missus... what could be better to work professionally with one's missus...

  6. I actually did an final year paper on Malaysian online shopping behaviour with my other classmates during my university years, which was 4 years back.

    Overall, I think the study for online users buying online is still at its infancy stage then as compared to now.

    Basically, my conclusion for the study is that Malaysians are not so keen on shopping online. Of course security may be a reason, but I think generally, Malaysians like to feel and touch things themselves. They also like to be in a close-knit community of shoppers that share the same passion -- shopping in store!

    By all means, the goods that are not available are always welcome with the mean of the technology on the WWW. But so long it is available, I think Malaysian generally prefers to shop and see the real thing itself before commiting the purchase.

    Well, online purchase will be here to stay, especially with new release before it hits the local store and of course it provides more varieties and competitive prices too.

    Happy Online Shopping!

    Wishing all Malaysians, Happy Chinese New Year!

  7. Thanks for your comments guys,

    Mama22Beas & Lrong: Yes. We usually present seperate papers at the same conference and thus mix business with pleasure.

    babypink & Laninie: The issue of credit cards is something serious that online merchants have to think about. Here in Malaysia some of them have linked with banks to allow direct debit from their accounts.

    Shin: Interesting. Would love to read the findings of your research. You should publish it.

  8. why never send me to do the survey? i love surveys! lol

    *used dad's credit card to buy clothes online before heh heh*
