28 December 2005

Win a Kenpo Jacket

The way Kahsoon keeps coming up with all short of gimmicks to increase traffic to his blog is really amusing.... And the funny part is that it is working. I guess all of us could learn a few lessons from him.

His latest trick is to offer free stuff. The latest - a Kenpo Jacket.

Of course I know he is not going to give away that great jacket, which costs about US$275. The Kenpo Jacket has an inbuilt fabric control system for the iPod and iPod mini models. It is self-powered, which requires no batteries. It is also machine washable (without the iPod of course).

Anyway, here are my answers to his questions:

1. How many sensor button is there on the Kenpo Jacket sleeve?

ANS: There are 5-button switch sensors for Play/Pause, Track Forward, Track Back, Volume Up and Volume Down.

2. Tell us why you like the Kenpo Jacket and what kind of activity you will wear Kenpo Jacket?

ANS: It looks great and I am a gadget freak.

And I am going to wear it every day even when sleeping until it wears out (Maybe not a very good idea in our hot and humid wheather).


  1. I saw his link in PPS yesterday, I thought he said he won't go to PPS anymore...

  2. I guess he couldn't stay away. A wise move considering that hundreds of Malaysians visit PPS everyday to check on the latest blog updates.

  3. i read about the contest in his blog. i might join the contest... but i don't have an ipod, do i need such a jacket?

  4. lol Adam.. I bet you need a more creative answer to win the $275 jacket.. good luck.

  5. I think he has a few blogs, and only that controversial one was to be kept away from PPS. *I think*

    Anyway, that jacket sure looks cool. Not sure where to wear it around in M'sia though. Maybe while riding motorbike.

  6. I wish you Health...
    So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

    I wish you the Love of friends and family...
    And Peace within your heart.

    I wish you the Beauty of nature...
    That you may enjoy the work of God.

    I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
    For those things that really matter in life.

    I wish you Generousity so you may share...
    All good things that come to you.

    I wish you Happiness and Joy...
    And Blessings for the New Year.

    I wish you the best of everything...
    That you so well deserve.


  7. Avik: That's beautiful. Thanks.

    Jen: Happy new year. I sure am.
