01 February 2005


I have been using Nedstat basic to track the traffic to my blog since 9 September 2003. However, I rarely check my stats. Just had a peak at it today and found that I have had 18853 total number of page views up till now. I know it is not much but what really made me happy was the info about the last 10 visitors:

1. 31 January 21:21 Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Mumbai Bombay, India
2. 31 January 22:16 Univerity of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
3. 31 January 22:42 Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia
4. 31 January 22:50 Philippine LD Telephone Comp., Philippines
5. 1 February 00:02 TMnet Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia
6. 1 February 02:22 T-Online, Germany
7. 1 February 04:57 IP Plus Internet Services, Switzerland
8. 1 February 07:46 NTL Internet, London, United Kingdom
9. 1 February 09:02 Australia (edu.au)
10. 1 February 09:26 United States (loralorion.com)

I never realise that I have so many visitors from foreign countries and I guess I have to make sure that I include an English translation whenever I use common Malay words or phrases.

Like I was trying to explain what "Ah OK Lah" signifies or means but somehow it didn't come out right as it can be used in several ways and situations. It is often heard in everyday Malaysian life - usually when people are tired of arguing with some stubborn fellow who refuses to see your point of view. In other words, "there is no point in arguing with you, so I let you win, even though you are wrong".

Anyone has a better explanation or translation of the phrase?

You can also read Mr Brown's explanation.

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