01 December 2004

Coffee Anyone

I was never a coffee drinker. I was more of a tea person till I met the girl who is now my wife and she introduced me to Coffee Bean and Starbucks. We were regular customers of their outlets in Bangsar during our MBA days at University Malaya and we would even study there. Now we hardly go there anymore.
Anyway, as we don’t have a good cafĂ© nearby I have to make do with my own cuppa. I got a coffee maker in my office (which I received as a wedding present). However, after using roasted and ground coffee beans for a while, I decided that cleaning up was a damn hassle. Now I mainly use it to heat up water. I just have to take a sachet of instant coffee mix, pour water and I am done. Here I have quite a selection to choose from. I have the normal Nescafe 3 in 1 Regular, Gold choice Instant 5 in 1 “Tongkat Ali, Ginseng, coffee” mix and even Sureco Cenkudu Kc420 6 in 1 “Kopi prachampur mengkudu (morinda citrifolia fruit), cendawan merah (ganoderma) & halia (ginger)” mix.

The strongest is the one with Tongkat Ali. The 6 in 1 mix is good, has an unusual taste but there is always some solid residue left at the bottom of the cup. However, the best is the Nescafe. Nescafe mix now comes in 3 different varieties but I prefer the one I have – regular. How do you like your coffee?

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