24 October 2004

Two Years

Two years! Time seems to pass so quickly. It seems only yesterday that we used to sit at Starbucks in Bangsar discussing our Economics notes. And soon we were married. Rahil came along soon. We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary last week. After the usual exchange of gifts – she gave me a Tissot watch. She already has a Tissot watch and bought me one with the same design - only mine is a man's watch and just a little bigger. According to my wife, we should wear matching watches and who am I to disagree. I let her choose a pair of small and shiny something from Diamond and Platinum at Mid Valley Mega Mall. I think she is happy and I am happy that she didn't choose something over a thousand and believe me there were a lot of those.

It was nearing Buka Puasa (breaking of fast) time and we rushed to Chilis on the ground floor. On enquiry, a waitress serving food there told us “no place” and walked off. She really needs some lessons in customer service. Anyway, we went in and found a long queue of people. They told us that we had to wait about 20 minutes and berbuka wasjust 10 minutes away. I was tempted to go somewhere else but my wife insisted we stay.

The people there were really kind and gave us both a Teh O Ais Limau (Lemon Tea) to break our fast. We finally got a nice place and the food was great even though we had to wait a bit. Maybe it was due to the fact that we had to wait. When you are hungry, everything is tasty. Next year, we will have Rahil with us.

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