18 August 2004

Pangkor and AF

Went to Pangkor last weekend. My wife was having her annual family day and it was all paid for by her organisation. How I wish my organisation was as generous and employee orientated like hers. I had to take leave for two days but it was well worth it as I was able to spend some quality time with my wife and baby without any worry in my head.

I think Rahil enjoyed it too even though she was a bit cranky in the car. I guess I would too if I was being tied down to a chair for a few hours. She won't remember it but this trip were landmark events in here life. She is now 9 months old and it was her irst trip to an island resort. She also had her first dip in the sea and in a swimming pool. She really loved swimming (with me holding on of course) and was literally trying to jump into the pool from her mother's arms while I was doing some laps. Both me and my wife love swimming and I guess the genes are there in Rahil too.

About the resort, well! We stayed at the Teluk Dalam resort. I would have loved it if our chalet was facing the sea but no such luck. It was not bad but the mosquitos were nasty. Poor Rahil bore the brunt and her face was covered with nasty looking pink bite marks in the morning. Fortunately we were able to obtain an electronic mosquito repelant the next day.

However, the scenery or the beach was the last thing on my wife's mind. The first thing she asked was whether there was an Astro channel. She was overjoyed at first when she learnt they had but the mood changed when she learnt that they only provided TV1, TV2, TV3 and HBO. Why? Because she had to miss the finals of Akademi Fantasia 2.

In the end, we did get to watch AF2 and that too on a Big projection screen in a special room with sofas provided by the resort. Unfortunately, there was no handphone signal and it was quite funny to see all these people with handphones in their hands hoping against hope to get a signal somehow, so that they would be able to vote for their favourites. In the end, as we all know by now, the crowd favourite Zahid won the competition. Actually I was rooting for Bob and I still feel that he had the best voice. I guess you need more than a good voice to have popular appeal. Nice trip. Now back to work.

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