16 June 2004

MAS Against Subang Move

Continuing my previous post. Just read yesterday that the MAS employees union were against the move to make Subang Airport a budget airline hub and also against Air Asia taking over their domestic routes.

Maybe I am ok with the later. However, on behalf of airline passengers I would like to point out that it is definitely not a step back for the airline industry and in fact making use of perfectly good facilities which have been left idle. KLIA can still be the International hub and MAS can continue to use it for their domestic flights if they want. I don't care as I don't fly with them much anymore apart from official trips paid by our organisation.

This shows that they are also aware that a move to reopen Subang airport would mean more people migrating to Air Asia from MAS. From my viewpoint, that's good! As a consumer we want choice and we will choose those which can offer a better deal and of course easy access is one of them.

Phuket Airport

I think we should start collecting signatures to support the move to reopen the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Subang airport.

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