19 April 2004

Golf Club Membership But No Golf

In my last post I mentioned something about playing golf. Yes! I am a new convert to this game and am on my way to getting addicted to it. My wife is a bit worried, as she has heard of Golf widows - wives neglected by guys addicted to golf. I don't think she has anything to worry about.

With some of my colleagues' active support I joined a golf club, its nothing fancy and the monthly rates are quite reasonable. However, I had not put the total investment into consideration - a good pair of golf shoes (about RM150), a golf set (about RM1000 for a good second hand kit), etc., etc. At least I have got a few T-shits and a golf glove (which I received as a present).

In the end I have a golf club membership but I don't even have a golf set because I have so many other monetary commitments. So it’s rented and borrowed clubs for me for now. Anybody who has a unused set in their storeroom can donate it to someone who is willing to put it to good use – Me. ;-)

Now I can see myself hitting the ball pass the 200m mark.

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